
Friday, 4 October 2013

New blog

Hey there!

The first blog post! Hurray! :-)

I will tell you a few things about this blog to start with.

It's a shared blog between Michelle and me. We have known each other for over ten years but we live on different continents. Mich is from Australia and I am from Germany. In many ways we live in different worlds - hence the blog title. Mich lived in Germany for some time during high school and I undertook my masters degree in Sydney, so our worlds are very connected.

Both of us are pretty much crochet addicted. Michelle comes from a crochet-family whereas I got into the art when I lived with her family. We both started with blankets and haven't stopped since then...

We want to share some of our passion and our pictures with you in this blog. We also will post general stuff about life in our worlds and a recipe every now and then.

Take care and see you soon,

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