
Sunday, 20 April 2014

Maybelle Flowers

Hello you lot!

Spring is finally back! We had rather cold, stormy and rainy weather these last days but today there is a lot of sun! I adore sunny days - it just lifts my spirit and I tend to smile a lot just because!

Easter is here!. In Germany, we have the Friday and the Monday off, so it shall be a nice long weekend. We will visit the inlaws and my parents - I love the visits but the car rides are sooo long. Well, for a German that is. It takes us 2-3 hours on the autobahn which I know is right around the corner for many Australians :P

I am very busy with my yarn. There is one huge WIP going on but I can't tell you about it because it will be a gift. Let's just say: Last week a box with 5 kg of yarn arrived at my place...

I fell in love the Maybelle Flowers a couple of weeks ago.  I made several sets which can be used as coasters but I might also transform some into a bunting for our living room. I can highly recommend the pattern: It's very easy but makes beautiful results. I knew it by heart after the third flower - that's how easy it is! I did however start with a magic circle instead of the chain of 10. Much easier!

A couple of weeks I told you about my new zpagetti yarn. Well, some of it got transformed into a Maybelle flower too. Since the material is 100 % cotton, these zpagetti flowers can be uses as large coasters for pots.

Take care and have a wonderful Easter weekend,


  1. Lots of lovely crochet !

    1. Thanks you!! :) I love the header of your blog btw!

      Take care,
