
Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Villigster Decke Part 3 - The Auction!

Hello to all of you!

This weekend, the annual Pentecost Meeting of the Evangelisches Studienwerk took place in Haus Villigst. Around 200 current and former scolarship holders attenened the three-day-event with the title "Creativity and Order". There were workshops, talks and creative evening events. The later involved a "knit and crochet happening" organized by Wibke and me - it was good fun and lots of people spent the night (and days afterwards) with knitting and crochet needles in their hands.

When I wasn't running around organizing things (I as in charge of the meeting), I spent my time sewing the Villigster Blanket (I told you about it here and here) together. More squares arrived during the week and I believe there were around 150 in total. Plus heaps of new squares were made during the meeting. There will be a second blanket for sure next year.

Anyway, the blanket was auctioned off on sunday (we used the American Auction Modus) and raised 290 €! What a brilliant result!! In the end the "Counil of Five" which is the council of our former scolarship holders made the last bid and thus "won" the blanket. They gave it to the office of the Evangelisches Studienwerk! Lucky them! It was already used for the kids playing in the park! Couldn't be happier and I am so proud of the result!

But now, some picture impressions!

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