
Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Recipe: Oremon Drink

Hello all!

Some weeks ago I had a very yummy hot drink at a local café. It seemed to be a picture of fresh orange juice, fresh lemon juice and sugar/honey. So good, so healthy! Vitamin C-Bomb I reckon...

Since I can't go back to this café everyday, I decided to make up the drink myself. After a few tries comes the result right here! I called it Oremon (ORange lEMON)...

Oremon Hot Drink

Serves 6


2-4 oranges (if they are juicy two are enough)
2 lemons
2 Tablespoons honey
Hot water

How to make it

Add honey into a teapot. Squeeze the lemon and orange juice into the pot. Add about the same amount of hot water (not boiling - it will destroy the vitamin C otherwise) as the juice. Taste and add more honey if it isn't sweet enough. 

Ta-Dah! Yummy hot drink made!

Take care,

PS There will be crochet posts soon... :-) 


  1. Hi Anne. Thank you so much for stopping by and saying hello. This drink looks gorgeous and as you say nice and healthy too. Don't be a stranger my new friend xxx

    1. Hi Amanda! Great to see you here! :-) The drink is very yummy indeed - too warm to these hot summer days though.
      Take care
