
Tuesday 17 March 2015

The Love Story of Mr Alienbunny and Ms Long-Ear

Today I bring to you the magical lovvvee story of Mr Alienbunny and Ms Long-Ear. Grab a cup and tea, some biscuits and enjoy!

The Love Story of Mr Alienbunny and Ms Long-Ear

Mr Alienbunny lived in a town named Koblenz, an old town built by the Romans. He had a very good life among the wine hills and enjoyed life a lot. However, he also felt... empty. He wasn't sure what he was missing at all, so he started his journey to fill the emptiness.

He tried to enjoy the smell of the first spring flowers but it didn't help. He still felt empty.


He went out for drinks with his mate Mr Giraffe from Australia. They had a very good time but the next morning Mr Alienbunny still felt empty inside. Oh and he had a terrible hangover. Poor little one. 

One day, he heard of two wise owls, so he went to see him. They had a very long talk together and the two owls told him of their love for each other and suggested that Mr Alienbunny longed for love.

At home, Mr Alienbunny spent a long time thinking about love which he only knew from the movies. After some days, he decided he had to look for love! He said goodbye to his friends, packed his bags and started his journey in his Lego Mini Cooper.

It was a very long and hard journey. He met lots of nice people but no love.

That is, until he arrived in Dortmund, a town in the middle of Germany. There he saw HER! In the middle of a field of roses... She was soo beautiful! But would she like him?!

He waited until she left the field of roses and started to talk to her. Her name was Ms Long-Ear and she was very lovely indeed! Native to Dortmund, she told him all about the town.

They agreed to meet again the next day and Ms Long-Ear was delighted by the flower Mr Alienbunny got for her.

For hours they talked... and fell in love!


After some weeks together, they decided to pack their bags into Mr Alienbunny's car and travel the world. So far they are having a really good time! Should you meet them, have a glass of wine with them - I am sure they will love to talk to you and tell you their story in person!

The End!


  1. Oh sssooooo lovely story !! I wish them a very long long long life together ....

  2. Aw, such a cute story! Hope they'll live happily every after! : )

    1. So far they are really happy together :-)

  3. Ah, they are so cute. Have a nice day

  4. A very sweet story :) I'm glad it had a happy ending - they look good together!
    Cathy x

    1. Happy Endings are in must in such cases! :D

  5. Awww I'm so glad they found each other! Mr Alienbunny has some awesome looking friends! x

    1. They are very happy to be together :-) And they have good times with their friends!

  6. What a gorgeous wee story!
    Marianne x

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks! The couple is very happy together :D

  8. Brilliant! Gotta love a happy ending!
    But the photo with the Owls is tooooooo funny, it looks like bunny has just told them a really rude joke, those owls look like they've had such a fright!

    1. Haha, now that you mention it... He might have told him about his large whiskey adventures...

  9. Every good adventure includes a picnic, Mr Alienbunny! Good for you for finding a mate to share it.

    1. I am sure he thinkgs so too! Pinics are the best!

  10. So cute! Ms Long Ear looks very fashionable with a bow on one ear! ;-)

  11. What a lovely story and your pictures were lovely too ....... thanks

    All the best Jan

  12. How absolutely lovely Anne! You have really brightened my day with your tale and gorgeous crochet characters. I know Koblenz well-beautiful place, walked along the Rhine to the outdoor swimming pool many times. Have a happy weekend,
    Best wishes
    Alison xx
