
Tuesday, 22 September 2015

My first Heart Teddy Bear

Hey there!

How are you today? My life is incredible busy at the moment and sometimes I have the feeling my life is a mile ahead of me and I am trying to catch up. Oh well. It shall get better I guess!

I finished my first Heart Teddy Bear yesterday. :) He turned out quite big: about 30 cm in height I would guess. Very huggable! It didn't take too long to complete the teddy. I started on the 12th of September and finished it last night. With lots of crochet breaks in-between that is - I would say in total the teddy took about 3-4 nights. I used this pattern by the way.

The sewing together was a bit of a pain in the butt. I am not very good with the fiddly thing but I think it turned out alright (I had to undo one of the legs though... sewed it on the wrong way. ooppss). Practice, practice... I love making amigurumi but the sewing... Eeek. I wish I was better at it!

The teddy went into a box with lots of sweets and shall be delivered tomorrow. It will go to an organization which will hand out the gifts to refugee children this weekend. It is the biggest family celebration of the Muslim calendar (Eid-ul-Adha) and traditionally children get gifts on this day. I hope it will lighten up a little one's day!!

The new refugee home near out house will open next month. I hope to finish more teddies by then. :) Fingers crossed everything goes as planned... This week they found some old world war II bombs in the ground next to the new home. They were deactivated by specialist. There are so many bombs in the ground here in Dortmund! They are left overs from World War II and as Dortmund was one of the major industrial towns a lot of bombs fell down here. 

What is on your hook at the moment?

Take care


  1. Your bear is lovely and I bet he will be so cherished. I cannot even begin to imagine what these children have been throuhg. I hope you're ok and not too busy. I always marvel when I hear about these bombs from WWII, how incredible they are still a threat today.

    1. Thank you, Helen! My heart cries whenever I see/hear about the things the kids went through and I hope my teddies will warm their hearts!

  2. Your bear is fantastic, so cute! I had to sew one of the legs on again on the teddy I sent to you as I also stitched it on the wrong way round!! x

    1. You teddy arrived the day after this posts! Such a cutie!!! :)

  3. Your teddy looks very happy! What perfect timing to have your gift ready for the Eid festival. A little bit of normality for children in the most abnormal situation.
    Do people still get injured by non-detonated WWII bombs? How deep in the ground are they found?
    I pray that there will never be another World War and it upsets me to think that Australian forces are now bombing in Syria. I keep thinking that bombing hasn't solved anything so far so how is more of the same going to make any change whatsoever? The results I see are many innocent people being traumatised - the effects will be multi-generational. I wish I had some answers to just stop violence and abuse in the world.
    Dortmund and many other places are still living with the legacy of bombs.
    At least, as crocheters, we can do our bit to spread love and kindness around the world in a meaningful way. Great work, Anne. xx

    1. I don't think any bomb injured someone for the last couple of years. They are deep in the ground and are usually found when there is construction work. They found one next the local soccer station some month ago when they were redoing some of the building.

      I wish too that people would stop hurting each other!!

  4. Lovely teddy, and you are an amazing person, helping refugees, Anne

    warm regards

    1. Thank you, Tanja! It is the only way I can come up how to help at the moment as my life is incredible busy :)

  5. I'm sure some little kid out there will be thrilled to have such a lovely new toy! I'm into amigurumi myself right now. And I've learned one thing: I'm really bad at sewing! And at stitching! I'll switch to plastic eyes now because mine destroy the whole beauty of the lalylala dolls! ;)
    Anyway - cute teddy bear. And great idea behind it!

    Hugs, Emma

    1. I hope so!

      I am very, very bad at the sewing part too! The safety eyes are such an easy way to put on the eyes - much easier than stitching. I ordered mine from China and got them for a very good prize :)

  6. Bonjour Anne. Your teddy is so cute. Ton travail pour les réfugiés est très généreux. Je t'encourage à continuer, c'est une très belle oeuvre. Bravo!
    Lucie xxx

    1. Thank you, Lucie! I will certainly make more teddies :)

  7. What a lovely thing to have made and will really make a child happy. I too find sewing together the body parts of crochet items like this a pain in the butt.

    1. The sewing certainly is the worst part of the toy making! Which is why I made up a new teddy pattern which involves very little sewing. :P

  8. What a lovely teddy and such a kind gift. It must be a bit scary having those unexploded bombs around. I'm crocheting a rug at the minute among other things!

    1. A rug sounds lovely! Are you using t-shirt yarn?

  9. Hard to believe such old bombs can still be a danger, but I suppose explosives don't really go out of date do they! Love your teddy , he is gorgeous, and quit big by the sound of it :) Such a lovely thing to do, to make him for a child in need.
    Have a good weekend Anne,

    1. Yeah, the bombs are a real pain in the butt. It shows how long war "memories" last! Horrible! Oh well, we are lucky and none of these bombs actually exploded for the last couple of years!

  10. Aww, he is a real cutie. I am sure that he will be well loved by the new owner. I hope that the building/bomb situation gets sorted out easily! xx

    1. I hope his new owner loves him as much as I do :)

  11. Oh, it's just so cute! It will certainly enchant and delight a child, look at it's little face. What a lovely thing to do.

    1. Thank you, Gillian! :) I hope a little one was very happy about his/her gift!
