
Friday, 2 October 2015

A Bunch of Teddy Bears!


How are you today? :) 

Days here in Germany are pretty busy but I have two weeks of holidays ahead of me starting today. Wohoo! Of course there are lots of plans but I also plan to catch up on sleep. And of course crochet.

If I have time these days, I usually crochet teddy bears. I finished three more since my last post! The yellow and the blue one are made from my own pattern which I plan to publish for free here next week. :)

The colorful teddy bear arrived from Sharon from Creativity and Family. Isn't the teddy a real cutie??

All the teddies will go to refugee children and I really hope it warms their hearts and gives them some hope.

Next week will be a special week for our blog as it turns two years old! Prepare for new patterns and a give away! Also, is there anything you would like to know about Michelle and me?

Take care

P.S. For those who worried about the bombs: There are quite a few bombs in the ground in most towns in Germany, I remember at least 5 evacuations near my house over the last 1-2 years. Those are  undetonated bombs from World War II. Whenever a bomb is located a team of specialists heads out to diffuse the bomb. Of course that includes a lot of evacuation work but as far as I know, no bomb went off for a long time. A real nuisance!


  1. Your teddy bears look so sweet and Sharon's looks like it is ready for fun. How cool that they can make friends with each other at your place, Anne, until they go out into the big world to love someone special.

    1. It was so awesome getting a teddy parcel from Sharon! :) It feels good that crochet world is so closely connected :)

  2. I hope that you enjoy your break and your crocheting! The bears are very cute indeed and will be well loved I am sure. Glad that all is well re the bomb! xx

    1. Thank you Amy! I am really looking forward to the next two weeks of holidays!

  3. They're really cute and pretty !!!!! I love them !! Have a very nice day!

  4. I love your teddies Anne, I'm glad that mine arrived safely :-)

  5. I love your little teddies, especially the no sewing bit :)
