
Saturday, 12 March 2016

Translating the Frida's Flowers CAL

Hi there!

How are you doing? My last weeks have been rather busy with lots of different things. 

For one thing, I finished another post-graduate certificate. I am now a university certified coach. As you might know, I coach academic writing and esp. phd-candidates in addition to my regular job. Now I have the official degree to do it :P I am thinking about becoming semi-self-employed that this year. There are a lot of things to consider and lots of paperwork, so it might take some time before it actually happens. Cross your fingers and wish me luck! :)

The other thing which kept me busy was my translation work for Stylecraft. As Michelle mentioned earlier last week, I am translating the new CAL, the Frida's Flowers Blanket pattern, to German. I am really happy to be able to work on this exciting project and quite honestly I can't wait to see all the blankets made from it! I will crochet the blanket too and guess what? It is the first CAL I am ever taking part in!

Translating sounds much easier than it sounds. The "text" parts are quicker to translate than the actual pattern. When I crochet, I use English patterns 99% of the time because the crochet language is so much easier. Oh and I learnt to crochet properly in English, so all my knowledge regarding crochet is stored in the English part of my brain. ;-) The German crochet language doesn't have nice and short abbreviations like 2sctog, so that makes the pattern a lot longer. With some rows, the German version is twice as long as the English original. 

I am finished with the first two patterns and the get ready document and I will spend my Sunday translating the introductions to all the patterns. Phew! There are six more patterns to follow but I hope I can be a bit quicker with these now that I got the hang of it. Translating the first two took over five hours.

Oh and next to the translation stuff, I am also working on my cosy blanket. It is growing, in fact I am about 60 % done. I really need to hurry up. It has to be finished by the 20.5. but as the CAL starts on the 5.4. I want to be done with this blanket by then, so that I can work on the Frida's Flowers Blanket!

What is keeping you busy at the moment?

Take care


  1. Dear Anne, congrats for your new certificate! It is alwyas a relief to have passed an exam, isn't it? Your cosy blanket looks wonderful, I like the colours you have chosen. I haven't heard of the 'Frida's FLower Blanket' but I am curious and I will have a look at it. Translating crochet patterns is really hard, I guess, because German terms are so different from the English ones. Hats off that you are doing it! Viola

  2. Congratulations on your certificated and good luck at being self-employed! I love the Cosy Blanket, I admired it at Lucy's Blog when she first introduced it. I really want to crochet a rainbow blanket for our new house (I have about a year until we will move) and I haven't decided on the pattern yet. A ripple blanket would probably also look great!
    Good luck with the translating! I translated a short pattern for a hat for my mother once and it took me FOREVER! It's really hard work!

  3. Well done, Anne, on your latest achievements - your new qualifications and your translation work. It is always nice to have that piece of paper even though you might have already had the skills for a while. Good luck with your self-employment. I wish you every success.
    What's keeping me busy? My family life and autumn planting. A little bit of crochet on the side.

  4. This is so pretty, Anne, it makes my fingers tingle wanting to crochet something.

  5. Congratulations on your qualification - well done! I love the colours in your blanket - they're gorgeous. And gardening is keeping me busy at the moment (apart from work, of course). these longer evenings are great, even if it has turned a bit colder lately. Have a good weekend!
    Cathy x
