
Monday, 4 April 2016

Days for Girls - Ryde Area Team!

A quick photo post from me today - we had our first workshop yesterday as an official Days for Girls Team! There were 33 in attendance over the afternoon (including 5 kids who did running around, unpinning, and entertaining the cat), and we made 1500 liners! That's enough for 187 kits :D And, still had enough time for tea and scones :) 

If you want to find out more about Days for Girls, comment below, send an email to, or check out their website 


  1. What an amazing thing to be a part of, such a great idea. What do you do with the kits once you have made them?

    1. Thanks Sharon! So far we've sent kits to Madagascar, Cambodia, Central Australia and East Timor, and also provided sample kits to other groups around Australia who are making them :) Safe and sanitary menstrual materials are so easily accessible to us that the whole concept of having to use corn husks, dirty rags or rocks is just... mind-blowingly horrible. Hopefully together we can give girls more days at school and work!
