
Monday, 19 May 2014

Recipe: Eggplant Dip

Hey all!

There is this little Turkish/Greek shop at our local shopping mall (even though mall sounds much larger then the place actually is). They sell amazing spreads, dips and so on. I am totally in love with their eggplant creme. They are rather expensive however and when you look at the list of ingredients there are lots of artificial food additives. The latter one drove me to find out how to make eggplant dip myself. I followed a recipe from Jamie Oliver first but it didn't turn out a bit like I wanted it to be. Still good but not right. So I decided to trust my instincts and came up with this:


2 Eggplants
1 Red capsicum
1-2 Garlic cloves (2 small ones or 1 large one)
150 Gramm of feta cheese

That's how it's done

Preheat your oven to at least 200 °C. Prick the eggplant with a knife (this way the eggplant doesn't explode). Put the eggplants and the capsicum on a baking sheet and roast until the capsicum is getting black spots. Take the capsicum out of the oven but leave the eggplants until they are really soft (the inside looks caramelised). Take the eggplants out of the oven. Don't let them cool too long (otherwise the feta won't melt).

Scoop out the insides
of the eggplants and capsicum and put them in a mixer. Add the garlic cloves and the feta cheese. Puree the lot until there are no pieces to be seen.

And... Done! Tadahh! Easy as that! You might add fresh pepper and salt but I found that it's not necessary.

The creme tastes fantastic with Artisan Bread. The recipe at be found at Simply So Good. Lucy from Attic24 translated the recipe for European use (that is grams instead of cups).

Take care,

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