
Sunday, 18 May 2014

Surprise Projects

Hello you lot!

My life is certainly lacking something now that I can't crochet. Or rather: crochet as much as I would like to. On a lighter note though: My elbow is getting better. My doctor wants me to have x-ray therapy but to tell the truth, I am not sure about that yet. I reckon I will get a 2nd opinion.

I have several projects in WIP-status right now but all of them will be gifts, so I can't tell you about them (yet). Here are some teasers though:

Project one: Hiding in a lil' box. Around 100 pieces done, 600 more to go!


Project 2: One is finished, second one is WIP... 

Some of you might guess the second project... Do you?

However while I can't show you my project in a piece yet, I can tell you about the fantastic yarn I decided to use for project No 2:

Drops Cotton Merino. It's a rather new yarn which only came out last year. As you might guess, it's a mix of cotton and merino (duh!) and it's soooo soft! It feels really nice on the skin and so I ordered another lot the other day (my elbow doesn't stop me from ordering yarn...) to make myself something nice with it.

Best thing about it: Drops Yarns has a supersale going on again. 35 % off a lot of yarns! Have a look at their homepage and find a seller near you! I usually order my yarn online from Lanade. They have good service and the delivery is really fast most of the time. I'd rather buy my yarn from a local store but there is none which sells Drops yarns around here.


Did you have a good weekend? I did indeed... Just some photos, no words needed:

Take care


  1. Hmmn I can guess the second project - but my lips are sealed! Love the yarn you have chosen!

  2. I'm glad to hear your elbow is getting better!
