Hello all!
Did you know you could get a tennis arm or golfer's elbow from too much crocheting? I didn't but discovered the hard way.
My elbow hurts when I crochet too long or if I work at the computer (which I have to for work). Ouch. It started about two weeks ago and I was sure I just bumped my right elbow into something. I am clumsy like that after all. When the pain didn't disappear, I talked to my office colleague about it and she knew right away what I was talking about... So I have a golfer's elbow. That is, the underside of my elbow hurts. It's a dull pain which gets worse the more I repeat one motion (such as crochet or keyboard work).
A golfer's elbow therefore seems to be a repetitive strain injury. I am not a medical person, so I can't really tell you much about it except that it hurts.
Anyway, I spent some time on the internet to come up with cure (apparently there is none) and ways to avoid getting a nasty golfer's elbow. Since there are probably a lot of people around who share the crocheter's elbow or want to avoid one, I will share my research with you.
How to avoid a crocheter's elbow
1. Make sure your elbow isn't "free". Pop a pillow under your arm when you crochet, so the elbow rests on it.
2. Stop crocheting right away if you feel any pain.
3. Stretch your forearms and hands often. I found that these stretching exercises actually help: Youtube Stretch Exercises.
4. Massage your forearm muscles after a crochet workout. I have one of these back massage pillows and discovered it works for arm massage too.
5. Try out an ergonomic crochet hook. This didn't work for me but it might for you.
Do you know more tricks? I am happy to add them to this list, so drop me a line!
Take care, Anne
P.S. Does any of you know a miracle cure for my elbow? I have crochet withdrawal....