Friday 29 May 2015

Ta-dah! Sunday Poncho!

For such a long time I've been drooling over Alia Bland's Sunday Shawl pattern

But... I just can't wear shawls. They always fall off my shoulders, forwards backwards and sideways, and I spend my whole life rearranging the shawl that I'm wearing.

I decided that for our Great Ocean Road Trip (post and photos coming soon), I wanted to make something for myself, and what a great opportunity to convert this gorgeous shawl pattern into a poncho! I took advantage of the Drops sale and got a small mountain of Drops Cotton Merino, a beautiful DK yarn that is 50% cotton and 50% merino wool. So happy to find woollen yarn that doesn't make me itch like crazy! My excellent sister-in-law helped me to pick the colours :) 

After discussions with my mother and my favourite crochet ladies on Facebook, I decided on a 3 corner poncho. There was much mathematics (even a pencil and paper came out at one point, and the printed pattern is all scribbled with little charts and counting numbers), much frogging (and a little bit of swearing), but finally it's done! All the details on the changes that I made to the pattern are on my Ravelry Project Page.

Ta-dah! My Sunday Poncho :D  

It's so warm and snuggly, but not too warm, and is very comfortable to wear around the house and sitting in my crochet chair. I am wearing it right now! 

And of course, if I was getting a poncho then Captain Poprocks needed one for himself :P 


  1. Gorgeous Michelle!
    I love what you have done with the edging! I feel privileged to have a small insight into your workings on this project during our crafty session. Thank you for sharing. I am always interested in how and why people make what they make and the factors that influence their creative processes.
    What I do respect and love the most is that you have no hesitation in straying from a written pattern to make it your own.
    Glad you can wear your 3-cornered poncho now!
    (As I typed that it reminded me of the song "Mein Hut er hat drei ecken"! so now I will sing "Dein poncho hat drei ecken!" instead in your honour.)
    Cheers, Jodie xx

    1. Thanks Jodie! I think I was working on the mini one at our crafty session ;) Poprocks hasn't taken it off yet, so I think it was a success! Regarding changing the pattern, it seemed silly to put such a gorgeous pattern in the "not for me" basket just because of the shape of it, when it really wasn't that hard (she says now...) to convert it to something that _does_ suit me!

  2. This is wonderful, and it looks amazing on you, great job! I really like the edge, too - all in all, it's a beauty! : )

    1. Thanks Valentina! The edge is really what makes this pattern <3

  3. I love it! You and Captain Poprocks bothlook great!

  4. It is so pretty. I especially love the edging. Captain Poprocks looks great too :-)

    1. Thank you Sharon! The edging is what made me love Alia's pattern in the first place :)

  5. It is absolutely beautiful!!! I love the colours that you chose and it looks beautiful on you. I totally love shawls, but like you I find they are always sliding this way and that! This is a great solution to that! xx

    1. Thank you very much! It should be possible to convert any triangular shawl into a poncho... :P

  6. I love the edging on your poncho, it's beautiful, shawls can be so fiddly this is a great idea. Hx

    1. Thank you Helen! It works for me - I've only taken it off to sleep for nearly a week now :P

  7. It looks wonderful on you and the colors are perfect. How darling that you and Captain Poprocks have matching outfits :-)

    1. We are a pair of dorks! Thank you - I just love the colours :)
